Sales Effectiveness for Improving Your Sales -To- Prospect Ratio
Learn the seven best practices he shares that will enable strategic account managers and sales executives to convert more prospective buyers into loyal, committed customers.

Performance Drivers in Strategic Account Managers
President and Founder, Dennis Chapman Sr. outlines the model of performance drivers that has consistently helped Fortune 1000 sales and account management organizations optimize the performance of their customer facing-personnel. Learn how the proper coaching and...

Executing and Measuring Effective Client-Supplier Conversations
Times have changed-- technology has changed the way we communicate and converse with clients and prospects. In an age of 'no-time', bulleted documents, and new age media, communicating has to be even more precise and effective. Tune in to Dennis Chapman as he explains...

Value Creation | Economic Value Propositioning
Tune in as The Chapman Group’s president and founder, Dennis Chapman, discusses economic value propositioning (EVP), “the new language in sales enablement”. This special collection includes 2 podcasts; the first explains best practices for value creation, the financial ratios impacting strategic accounts and management strategy.

Asking the Right People the Right Questions – Best Practices for VoC Programs
The Chapman Group presents survey question best practices and processes that their own LoyaltyProfessional™ team uses in optimizing Fortune 1000 customer survey programs. The best practices and approaches discussed in this presentation include:
• Develop and ask “actionable” survey questions
• Align questions to customer contact roles
• Use surveys to support and develop customer relationships
• Transition your customer survey program into a competitive advantage

Achieving Sales Effectiveness
One of the most critical discoveries indicated by strategic account sales team members in recent surveys was the need for direction, support and education from their sales leaders. Tune in to this podcast as Dennis Chapman, company President and CEO, discusses how to…”